Making the transition from open RYGB to LRYGB – How was it done? – Dr. Bruno Dillemans (Belgium)
Is the LRYGB still the gold standard metabolic operation in the United States? – Dr. Samuel Szomstein (USA)
Why has the ASAMS not ratified the MGB/OAGB as a mainstream bariatric operation? – Professor Scott Shikora (USA)
Experts’ Discussion Forum: Internal Hernia – the Achilles Heel of LRYGB – Professor Antonio Claudio Jamel Coelho (Brazil)
Discussion Panel:
Dr. Pearl Ma (USA)
Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala (India)
Dr. Vandana Soni (India)
Dr. Camilo Boza (UK)
Mr. Chetan Parmar (UK)
Professor Antonio Jose Torres Garcia (Spain)
Dr. Adriana Rotundo (UAE)
This content was originally published here.