Failed Lap Band Converted to Mini-Gastric Bypass. Dr. Rutledge Mini-Gastric Bypass, MGB, Video.
50% Complication Rate of the Lap Band;
The results “are worse than we expected,” said Dr. Jacques Himpens, of the European School of Laparoscopic Surgery and St. Pierre University Hospital in Brussels, lead author of the new study.
More than a decade after having gastric band surgery for weight loss, patients at a university hospital in Belgium had lost just 43 percent of their excess weight on average, a new study reports. In nearly half of the patients, the bands had been removed because of medical complications.
Contact Info: On the Web: www.MGB.FM or, Call Dr. Rutledge 702-714-0011 or Email:
MGB Info: The Mini (Sleeve) Gastric Bypass Surgery, Short, Simple, Effective Weight Loss Surgery:
Short, simple, safer and reversible like the *Band* but powerful like the *Bypass.* Twice as powerful as the *Sleeve* alone.
This content was originally published here.