A gastric Band is a special inflatable band which is placed around the top portion of the patient’s stomach, creating a small pouch that limits or reduces the amount of food which you are able to eat at any one time. The Lap Band is adjustable, which enables the Practitioner to either inflate the band to tighten it or deflate it to loosened the band to help the patient achieve a level of food he/she consumes while maintaining a healthy diet, and supporting a patient’s long-term weight loss success.
The gastric band is inflated with a saline solution to tighten it, or can be deflated by extracting a small amount of saline solution to loosen it over a period of time to change the size of the stomach pouch the band has created. Patients from Durham who have the Gastric band fitted are more able to achieve good weight loss results because the practitioner is able to monitor and adjust how much food the Patient consumes. This is good for the patient as it encourages them to maintain the diets recommended by the Practitioners, and the Practitioners like it because it allows them to monitor the patients progress over time. The entire procedure is done laparoscopically in the Hospital Jacques Monod, where laparoscopes are used by the Surgeons to gain access through the abdominal wall through small surgical incisions. |
Benefits of Gastric Band Surgery at Hospital Jacques Monod in France
How Much and How Fast will I lose Weight After Gastric Band Surgery?
You can lose a substantial amount of your excess weight after a gastric band procedure. Weight loss varies patient by patient and depends on them following the recommended diets and lifestyle changes provided by the Specialist managing your case. The danger of not following these suggested rules following any bariatric surgery is that the patient can over time effectively circumvent the benefits of the procedure altogether.
Our Surgeons are registered to carry out affordable gastric band Bariatric Obesity procedures to ensure that your surgery is conducted according to the UK NHS Gastric Band Criteria, and to the highest possible standards in accordance with EEC Regulations.
The Hospital Jacque Monod in Le-Havre is the largest (French NHS) Hospital in France with over 2000 Beds, all in Private rooms, with Bathrooms e-suite. It has 12 Operating Theatres, all fully equipped with the latest technology
Even if you take in to account the costs of travel from Durham to Europe Click here for further details Tel 0033 686567031 |
Take the next step. Request an initial No Obligation FREE Consultation to see if Weight Loss Surgery at the Hospital Jaques Monod in France is suitable for you
CLICK HERE NOW or simply call us on 0033-686567031
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Laser Clinic (France) Ltd.
286B Chase Road
Phone: 0033 686567031
Laser Clinic (France) Ltd is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Firm Ref No. 625160
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